Sunday, June 9, 2019

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Max gets braces

I never thought this day would get here so soon. Here we are and Max is doing awesome! The only thing I hate doing is turning the key on his spacer.

He did so well, and he is still not using wax!

Utah, briefly

On our way up to Seattle, we stopped in Utah and visited with Uncle Mike,.

Max, Cami, Diego and Nico having a good time at the park.

Misc. photos in Seattle

Here we are at the aquarium in down town Seattle.

The kids loved the touch, interaction area.

There is this place called sky hight (I think) They even had trampolines on the side walls.

This is the first place Diego sprained his ankle and of course Uncle Brian saved the day again.

Seattle's view from the Space Needle

Mt Rainier Washington

We got to hike part of Mt. Rainier, It was a 2mile hike. It was nice to see snow in the middle of the summer. This was the cheep est and yet the kids had the most fun here!

Why do I live in Arizona again?

Don't let Diego fool you here! He was not so happy 1/4 way up the mountain.

He Wanted us to leave him, but I reminded him about the wolves that wait for little boys to be left alone.

Max did circles around us but kept trying to go off the path.

Diego sprained his ankle again. Uncle Brian had to carry him down half down the mountain.