Sunday, January 17, 2010

Christmas Day

For those of you don't know this year Max proclaimed that he was Asian and he will be the next Ninja. He got this Ninja outfit from Santa Clause. Since Auntie Rochelle's birthday is on Christmas day, we all went to Auntie Aprils new house in Gilbert, AZ. It only took an hour to get there. We usually go to my sisters, (Auntie Sherri's) on Christmas day however Uncle Michael had to work and we decided to meet up on Saturday.

Auntie April has a little park by her house and we took Max and Louie to get some fresh air. The boys found a cat. Max wanted to take him home too.

Max really takes a big brother role with his cousin Louie.

It is amazing how I was able to get all of Chris's immediate family in one spot.

Happy Birthday Auntie Rochelle. She always seems to get jipped every year. But don't worry we are going to Vegas this Feb. to celebrate her birthday. So I will keep you posted. btw. this cake was so so good... I can smell it right now.

Rochelle and I are having a deep conversation.
I think Chris Garcia took this photo..
Merry Christmas Every one~!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love all the pictures.....Oh and I can't wait to go to Vegas the count down starts!!!!