Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Max make Student of the month

When day I said to the boys if any of them made student of the month it would be an instant $20. Well leave it up to Max to make it there... The sad thing was that I was surprised because student of the month is hard to get, considering you have to be selfless and etc. etc. Well for those of you, who are not familiar with our wonderful Max.... Max loves Max first. lol. plus he is so full of crazy energy that he can barely sit and eat a full meal. Don't get me wrong, He is a very good kid, and a total delight and I love our Max, but for him to be not so crazy for a day let alone a whole month... That was simply amazing...

The school did such an awesome job with how they acknowledge the students. I had tears in my eyes like probably every other mom there for their child. Gosh I can't imagine what I will be like at his first dance, prom, etc. etc.

Chris even took time for our little Pollo.. Congrats. Little Max! We love you.

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